Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What it's all about in a Magic Nutshell

Let me take the time to welcome you and thank you for checking out this page.

This page will be dedicated to presenting a slew of artwork and ideas revolving around a personal Project titled Nchanted County (for now). This project will be developed in hopes of potentially producing an original animated short (or series) in the future.

So what's the deal?
On March 29th (2012), Nickelodeon Animation Studios will be screening number of  pitched ideas to be produced in a block of animated shorts! I will be pitching this project to them in hopes of getting a chance to produce a piece of this idea into a 60-second animated short. Who knows, maybe something bigger will come from this exciting experience!

So what is this idea?
It's about a group of kids spending the best of their childhood, in a small town neighboring an enchanted forest. This isn't your conventional magic forest where talking animals are stuffed with fluff, rainbows, and cotton candy. This is a diverse functioning community of animals that have things to do, places to go and need to get by on a month to month basis. For these kids, its a whole foreign world to be discovered, but all the weird and unexpected isn't limited to the forest; under every normal looking rock and tree is something new and out of the ordinary.

In a nutshell, the spirit of this project is about tackling the familiar with pizzazz and encountering the strange & new with a curious eye. About embarking on days that encompass the spirit of childhood and creating memories that many would look back on with vivid nostalgia.

It's a cartoon about kids being curious kids in their backyards...which also has a community of personified woodland creatures.

So if I remotely captured any interested or got you reaching of your childhood nostalgia goggles, please follow along as I post more visuals to this project in the days to come!


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