Saturday, March 24, 2012

Meet Neslo

 First up of the four: Neslo. Don't let him fool you. He doesn't know why he's smiling. Probably because you're looking at him. Smile and nod. 


 This is the nonsense-kid from your childhood who made you come outside to partake in his crazy adventure/games or see a discovery made in the neighborhood (which would most likely be roadkill at that age).

 He's the kid who will invite you to come join him in looking for hornets’ nest and before you have time to refuse, you find yourself already throwing rocks at one alongside him.

 Like most boys, he enjoys the thrill of adventure and loves the rewards of candy, ice-cream, money and the like. 

 If he hears you're having a birthday party, he will crash that party without an invitation and convince your mom he's a friend from school so he may benefit in your shindig of cake and games. If found out he'll make a hasty retreat out the window with cake (and maybe with one of your presents) in hand. 

 Other interests include hats and costumes....just to name a few. Though, he hates boringness. Nothing displeases him like wasting the time and day doing nothing. So to avoid wasting a potential afternoon, he'll pull some sort of plan out of his hat. It may not be safe, but it's something. 

 This hyperactive kid has spent his childhood romping around neighborhood and exploring the magical wilderness of the countryside of his back yard. He lives alone with his mom in a house left to them by his father.

 That's all for now about Neslo. You should probably move on before he gets any ideas to involve you in. Check back tomorrow to learn about his BFF (Bruiser Fiend Fungarah!)

[Note: That F at the end, totally not a word.]

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