Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's a day with Neslo like?

 Neslo lives in a small town neighboring an enchanted forest. Armed with the adventurous spirit of childhood and a curious eye for exploring the strange and the new, Neslo lives day to day as a kid encountering the weird and whimsical and uncovering extraordinary nonsense underneath what looks to be ordinary town.

 A normal hike in the mountains may uncover a secret tunnel leading to treasure hidden by a gang of bears. What's a boy to do when you find yourself fleeing for survival after looting a bunch of large, armed bears?

 A morning with an empty fridge may require playing a hand of cards against an irresponsible bird for his nest of eggs. Just make sure other egg-eating animals don't learn about this game, especially the short-fused mother bird.

 When Neslo misses the school bus, all he needs is to be early enough to catch that mail-delivering ostrich and commandeer a ride to school. It'll be alright if they take the shortcut through the hungry cactus wolf territory. Of course, it'd be easier if the ostrich approved of a kid riding it against its will.

 But even without any magic talking animals, an ordinary game of baseball with another kid from the neighborhood can have its surprises. A normal kid could expect an accident such as breaking a few windows, but what should Neslo do when he slugs the ball straight through the sun and breaks the world's main source of light?

 For Neslo, it’s a familiar but foreign world to be discovered and used to his fun and benefit.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Meet Po

Last Bio update! Tonight's the older bro of the group! Nothing like a teenager kickin' it with a bunch of gradeschoolers!)

 Barely an adolescent, but has already absorbed the jaded mindset and all the sarcasm of a full-fledged teenager.

 He is the oldest of two children. This isn’t the older brother that picks on you or wrestles you to the ground to show off who's boss. This is the older brother who is tired of you being stupid and making a mess that he'll get yelled at for. As a matter of fact, he's the one that gets blamed and yelled at every time you whine or complain, whether it be over toys, beating you at a game, or not letting you come somewhere with him. As an older brother it's his duty to shoulder the burden and face the consequences for something that is beyond his control: that something is you (the younger sibling).

 As the older brother, he has been given the duty to look out for his little (if not baby) sister and take the full brunt of usually all blame between them.  Failure to do so will result in punishment from their mother. The challenge of the task is doubled when considering her best friend is Neslo, the crazy kid who thinks there is treasure buried deep inside a cave...that belongs to a bear.

A Wild Pompadour Bear (with a pipe) appears!

 That's all for tonight! Check back next time to see what else I got!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Meet Tendo

 Tonight's the youngest of the four. Tendo is usually the only one willing to join Neslo in shenanigans, probably because she's ignorant to the dangers they often hold.


This gentle child would be the one to instill hope back into the hearts of adults losing faith in the coming generations of cruel, disrespectful, unruly kids of the playground.

She is the little girl who just wants everyone in the world in the world to be happy and have a puppy to hug, unaware of all the odds stacked against the opposite happening.  Despite several years of school, she still harbors the love and innocence of an infant child. Her delicate and naïve nature validates the reason why her parents have her older brother, Po, look after her. Instead of making her grow up and be wary of the dangers of the world, they let her stay the way she is so she may warm their little hearts.

That is why her safety is her brother's responsibility when they're not around (which is much of the week). Heaven forbid anything happen to the little girl who kisses your booboos and hugs you when you’re sad or crying.

She loves her big brother very much and hugs him when he's sad, unaware her ways are the source of his blood, sweat, and tears.  

That's it for the adorable Tendo. Tomorrow will introduce her older brother!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meet Pollie

 Tonight, we have Pollete, or as some would call her, Pollie. Some kids have bestest friends (or a bff as some choose to say); for Neslo, this girl is not one of them. In fact, she's the opposite. The only relation they share is in mutual friends who are also neighbors in this county. 


 This is the pompous girl from your childhood who makes sure you know you're wrong (whether it be in pronunciation or definition of the word, you're wrong) and she makes you think twice before saying something that could make you look stupid. It's not that she's smarter than you; it's that she thinks she's practically a grown-up with how much she thinks she knows.

 Like most prissy girls, she much rather read her mystery novels (other-world Nancy Drew most likely) than get down in the gruff and dirty, physical outdoor play. But she's not all talk and snootiness. If she feels you need to be faceplanted into the mud, she will cast the first shoe into your backside and make sure you drown in soil.

 A rich girl relocated into the countryside. She lives in a family mansion built in what her mom considers one of the most wonderful of countrysides. With her father running a multi-million dollar corporation and her mother trotting the globe, Pollie lives with her butler, Jenkins.

 Far from leading a princess-lifestyle, her caretaker, Jenkins again, has strict guidelines on behavior and conducting herself to develop into a fine, sophisticated young lady.

 Unlike most rich girls, she doesn't swim in fine dresses and ponies bought with her daddy's money or have someone at her beck or call (though, she could if she wanted). Pollie's interest lies in intellectual and stimulating stories (mysteries) and cute adorable things. She's taught by Jenkins not to hate things, but every encounter with Neslo reinforces her Dislike List with "stupid things" sitting at the top. 

 Everything beyond her likes and dislikes would merely disinterest her, but as Jenkins tells her, everything she does should deserve her full effort, from school, to violin lessons, and especially presentation. However, her eye for clothes is 'offly' terrible and relies on her butler to fill her wardrobe with decent outfits. Kids' taste in fashion usually look better on paper. 

 Just be sure not to poke fun at her. Much like poking a bear, it's unsafe; except with Pollie, you'll be leaving with mouthful of dirt...and rocks. 

 So that's the county rich kid. Check back next time for the next girl in the group!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Meet Neslo

 First up of the four: Neslo. Don't let him fool you. He doesn't know why he's smiling. Probably because you're looking at him. Smile and nod. 


 This is the nonsense-kid from your childhood who made you come outside to partake in his crazy adventure/games or see a discovery made in the neighborhood (which would most likely be roadkill at that age).

 He's the kid who will invite you to come join him in looking for hornets’ nest and before you have time to refuse, you find yourself already throwing rocks at one alongside him.

 Like most boys, he enjoys the thrill of adventure and loves the rewards of candy, ice-cream, money and the like. 

 If he hears you're having a birthday party, he will crash that party without an invitation and convince your mom he's a friend from school so he may benefit in your shindig of cake and games. If found out he'll make a hasty retreat out the window with cake (and maybe with one of your presents) in hand. 

 Other interests include hats and costumes....just to name a few. Though, he hates boringness. Nothing displeases him like wasting the time and day doing nothing. So to avoid wasting a potential afternoon, he'll pull some sort of plan out of his hat. It may not be safe, but it's something. 

 This hyperactive kid has spent his childhood romping around neighborhood and exploring the magical wilderness of the countryside of his back yard. He lives alone with his mom in a house left to them by his father.

 That's all for now about Neslo. You should probably move on before he gets any ideas to involve you in. Check back tomorrow to learn about his BFF (Bruiser Fiend Fungarah!)

[Note: That F at the end, totally not a word.]

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kids of Nchanted County

 Tonight's presentation is a line-up of our protagonists! From left to right: Neslo, Po, Tendo & Pollie. Acquaint yourselves with these four kids tomorrow when the character bios will be update.

 Look forward to it!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nchanted Night of Dinner & Comedy

 Gonna try and keep to having a daily post. I've accrued a handful of stuff to show. Below are some panels and a layout for a Comedy (Dinner) Club scene in the works. 

 Nchanted woodland animals like to occasionally unwind with dinner and entertainment after a long day; the kids from town find it fun as well! Are kids even allowed to be admitted into these type of clubs?

 Look forward to what update tomorrow has in store!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What it's all about in a Magic Nutshell

Let me take the time to welcome you and thank you for checking out this page.

This page will be dedicated to presenting a slew of artwork and ideas revolving around a personal Project titled Nchanted County (for now). This project will be developed in hopes of potentially producing an original animated short (or series) in the future.

So what's the deal?
On March 29th (2012), Nickelodeon Animation Studios will be screening number of  pitched ideas to be produced in a block of animated shorts! I will be pitching this project to them in hopes of getting a chance to produce a piece of this idea into a 60-second animated short. Who knows, maybe something bigger will come from this exciting experience!

So what is this idea?
It's about a group of kids spending the best of their childhood, in a small town neighboring an enchanted forest. This isn't your conventional magic forest where talking animals are stuffed with fluff, rainbows, and cotton candy. This is a diverse functioning community of animals that have things to do, places to go and need to get by on a month to month basis. For these kids, its a whole foreign world to be discovered, but all the weird and unexpected isn't limited to the forest; under every normal looking rock and tree is something new and out of the ordinary.

In a nutshell, the spirit of this project is about tackling the familiar with pizzazz and encountering the strange & new with a curious eye. About embarking on days that encompass the spirit of childhood and creating memories that many would look back on with vivid nostalgia.

It's a cartoon about kids being curious kids in their backyards...which also has a community of personified woodland creatures.

So if I remotely captured any interested or got you reaching of your childhood nostalgia goggles, please follow along as I post more visuals to this project in the days to come!
